Ini adalah buku pertama yang saya beli di tahun 2015. Saat menghabiskan waktu di Togamas Bandung, saya mengamati beragam buku baru yang ada di bagian best sellers. Di antara buku-buku tentang travelling atau jalan-jalan ke luar negeri tampaklah buku ini yang menyematkan kutipan pengantar oleh Dr. Haidar Bagir, … melancong ke dalam batin terdalam manusia, batin Sang Musafir, batin kita semua.
Langsung aja saya ambil.
I keep a “journal” that holds all passing thoughts or ideas I encounter during my on-air sessions. I organize them by the hour marks. Last session (Sunday, 15 March), I got five pages full of them. I managed to keep them readable enough, although in between the readable writings, there were unreadables and weird drawings.
Why startups fail, according to their founders
fortune.comRunning out of cash does not cause a startup’s failure, Hogan says—it’s merely a symptom of another issue. Excluding instances…
I am still trying to put things together at Owl’s. At the moment, I am customizing a nice theme Fukasawa…
New month. It happens. “What’s the big deal,” you say? Apparently, yours truly wishes to do more publishing in this…