This is an attempt to share how far I’ve got to understand the Liveblog plugin for WordPress.

The WHATTA moments
March 2, 20187:36 pm

First Issue: The first error key

The first objective is to make the plugin work and I’ve done so in development server. Here, a simple install from wasn’t enough. I got the first error…

first error
first error

That’s because the request is sent to non-https url. Solution: change siteurl and home in wp_options to ‘https://{domain-name}’.

March 3, 20182:51 am

Resources key

At the moment, at, the plugin has got average rating of three stars and quite disheartening number of issues (see github).

This is definitely not for the faint-hearted.

March 3, 20182:56 am

Too far gone past midnight… Need to get some sleep!

March 3, 20189:37 am

Issue #2: ‘Wonky’ Time key

It’s described as such in issue #333: the human-friendly time doesn’t reflect the timezone in the General setting. I applied the ‘patch’ manually as described in the comment by gerhardsletten.

Added in the {theme-directory}/functions.php

add_filter( 'liveblog_settings', function( $settings ) {
		$settings['utc_offset'] = get_option('gmt_offset') * 60 * 2;
  return $settings;
}, 10, 1 );

wonky indeed

March 3, 20189:47 am


March 4, 201810:30 pm

!@#! These headache-inducing templates! A WYSINOTWYG! The front-end, managed by React’s app.js, doesn’t use key events and live blog entries templates in either its own {default-dir}/ or user-filtered template path…

apply_filters( 'liveblog_template_path', function($path){
      return $newpath;
}, 10,1); 

Have to rebuild app.js………… ouch!

March 4, 201810:46 pm

More filter applied for number of entries per page:

add_filter( 'liveblog_number_of_entries', function( $number ) {
	  $number = 10;
	  return $number;
}, 10, 1 );

March 5, 20189:12 am

sidenote: the ‘default’ package of this plugin looks similar to the structure of live-blogging/reporting at The Guardian website, such as their 90th Oscar Live Report.