The Mundane Life

...when life takes over...

Author: HH

And The Saga Continues

In new podcast 'Bad Blood: The Final Chapters', John Carreyrou examines Silicon Valley’s fake-it-til-you-make it culture and the case against Elizabeth Holmes.

Bad Blood by John Carreyrou It's been almost six years since the first article by Jo...

Live-Blogging with LiveblogLive!

This is an attempt to share how far I’ve got to understand the Liveblog plugin for WordPress.

Coltrane, Jazz, and Maths

John Coltrane Draws a Picture Illustrating the Mathematics of Music

Open Culture

“Thelonious Monk once said ‘All musicans are subconsciously mathematicians.’ Musicians like Joh...

Updating the site’s look and its problems, so far…

‘Once you’ve started, you cannot stop, especially if you are your own client.’ Truer words have never been spoken on…

I read somewhere that I should not worship mood in this writing business. Yet, once again, I blamed the non-existence…

いろいろあって #4 5

Gravitational Waves Detected

Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger

Physical Review Letters™

Well, so far I've read reports and news coverage from these sources: Google Einstein's gr...

Let’s Go Back Up!

“I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down”

Chumbawamba, “Tubthumping”

That’s pretty much the state of this site, knocked down but got up again.

I won’t complain though.

Dennis Bergkamp’s "Stillness And Speed: My Story" (Simon and Schuster, 2013)

Elegance. Perfection. Control. Intelligence. Those words, time and again, come up whenever Dennis Bergkamp is discussed. When he scored a goal or passed balls that led to goals, questions arose. How did he do it? Did he mean it? He made them look easy when they were a combination of skills and techniques, precision, calculation, and calm. “Stillness and Speed: My Story” offers insight into the life and mind of one of the best footballers the world ever has.

Books, How Art Thou?

This is going to be an (almost) honest attempt to pinpoint why my reading intensity and frequency are faltering.

Traffic — Fit & Proper Test, Patience & Perseverance Measurement Tool for Potential Public Office Holders

As expected. Come weekend, I always want to complain about traffic.

Theme inherits templates from "Garfunkel" by Anders Norén.

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