When AMOS hit the 100th post, I actually planned a “celebration” by writing one post a day for 100 days. A lofty goal, I know. But, still. Why not challenge myself? I’ve got nothing to lose, except time.
Anti PowerPoint Party
anti-powerpoint-party.comI learned about it when it was referenced in a comedy panel show on radio. It may sound silly a...
The Cool Kid asked, “what is ‘slaughtering cows on Ied Al Adha day’ in Japanese?”
I told him to ask Google. He came back with a remark, “it translates ‘slaughter’ funny…” So I asked a friend who lives in Japan for the term.
‘Lo and behold! she responded with an (almost) essay about the phrase.
So this was Sunday, full of things to do while I had been barely surviving after pulling almost two all-nighters and missing sleep dearly…
The Siete Café has been closed at the end of 2017. Over time, some friends and I have developed specifications…
Evolving The Google Identity
design.google.comCleaner and leaner without the "serif" slants and, I would say, an illuminating design process ...
Internet Radio Is Fixing to Make a Comeback
www.wired.com[Mark Mulligan, co-founder of music industry-focused MIDiA Research] points out that one reason f...
I had been in fit of inner laughter all the way through observing the couple in front of me, two…
Menulis itu biasa, bisa dilakukan siapa saja. Tetapi mengapa ada yang bisa menghasilkan tulisan menginspirasi, menulis buku yang memikat, bahkan menggugah dan menggerakkan banyak orang?