Elegance. Perfection. Control. Intelligence. Those words, time and again, come up whenever Dennis Bergkamp is discussed. When he scored a goal or passed balls that led to goals, questions arose. How did he do it? Did he mean it? He made them look easy when they were a combination of skills and techniques, precision, calculation, and calm. “Stillness and Speed: My Story” offers insight into the life and mind of one of the best footballers the world ever has.
The Siete Café has been closed at the end of 2017. Over time, some friends and I have developed specifications…
Menulis itu biasa, bisa dilakukan siapa saja. Tetapi mengapa ada yang bisa menghasilkan tulisan menginspirasi, menulis buku yang memikat, bahkan menggugah dan menggerakkan banyak orang?
Ini adalah buku pertama yang saya beli di tahun 2015. Saat menghabiskan waktu di Togamas Bandung, saya mengamati beragam buku baru yang ada di bagian best sellers. Di antara buku-buku tentang travelling atau jalan-jalan ke luar negeri tampaklah buku ini yang menyematkan kutipan pengantar oleh Dr. Haidar Bagir, … melancong ke dalam batin terdalam manusia, batin Sang Musafir, batin kita semua.
Langsung aja saya ambil.
Seo So-dan’s search for her grandmother takes her to a movie theatre. Waiting for the grandmother to show up, she works at the theatre, befriends the staff, and learns the theatre’s secret.